TSEL: Backroads at Night

Georgia and Tasha are taking Taylor out on her first vacation as a birthday present and just a well deserved vacation for themselves. Tasha has wanted to go to Selvadorada to study and have a chance to actually search for artifacts herself. Georgia has made enough money from her farm and her music that she can pay for the vacation. She has been saving lots of money over the years.

It’s also a chance for Tasha to get to know Taylor a bit better.

Taylor is excited. it’s her birthday. It’s her birthday!

Yay, candles time! Pwwoooo Frwwoooo pbttthhh. Georgia helped a little bit, and the candles were out, yay, happy birthday Taylor, you’re a toddler now big girl!

I think she got almost every single milestone she could have gotten as an infant. It was really fun to experience that with the longer lifestyle I’m using.

Georgia is using this vacation to also spend time working on writing songs.

She has not had enough time to devote to actually writing music, and she is feeling very inspired. Love can do that.

Our happy girlies.

Tasha is studious and has gotten right to work in the morning while breakfast is getting cooked. She’s going to uncover so many artifacts. She’ll find some big discovery that will have her made as an archaeologist, she’s determined. Her musician side isn’t her main focus, she thinks of it as more of a hobby. When she and Georgia play together though, Georgia teaches her how to play her songs she’s written, she’s sure that they could do music together. Since they’re perfect together.

Tasha isn’t convinced yet. She doesn’t see her music as a strong suit, or even that good. She’s wrong, but she doesn’t see that yet.

This fierce lady is heading straight out to the jungle…. forgetting her clothes and glasses. She was very focused.

And I love this screenshot it got. She looks so cool and baddie!

After clearing the path, she returned for a late lunch.

Then after Taylor was put to bed, she went back out and explored more, studying the ruins she discovered.

Before they had to end their vacation and go home. They wore some nice dresses, did their hair and makeup, and said their vows.

Georgia and Tasha are officially married.

OMG! This butterfly appeared and started fluttering around Taylor and she tried to catch it. I didn’t know this was an interaction. THAT WAS SO CUTE!

Georgia loves her wife.

Oh no! A rattled spider tagged along in their luggage and panicked when they got home and bit Georgia. An exterminator had to come and kill it so it wouldn’t get anyone else or ruin the ecosystem. Everyone felt so bad that it had to happen.

Georgia felt worse because she got rally sick and the doctors had to be called to get an antidote to cure her and fight the venom from the bite.

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