100 Mermaids

This is actually a story that isn’t on this blog. I wanted to test out blogger as a way to have blogs for each story, so that I could have a more organized story table of contents, and character pages. I’m not sure if this is going to be something I do for all stories. But it’s a test.

I’m writing out that story much slower, and typically its when I’m on my laptop not feeling great. Just playing, taking screenshots and notes. and than going and letting my creativity fill in the blanks with story. My hope is to be able to have a page to basically summarize the life of each of the children, including any updates from the story notifications later on after they have left the house.


I’m calling it the Mermaid-athon. Like a marathon, but mermaids. I don’t know. It’s kinda silly and dumb. But it’s where my adhd brain has gone. I want to try something new. test a different angle. that kind of thing.

The menus at the top of the page currently go to Home – which shows the most recent posts; Marion Thomas – a bio of Marion the founder with plenty of spoilers. So only click it if you’re okay with that. It has things like traits and aspirations, milestones, kids names. . . Spoiler like things. Nothing to big, but enough that it could spoil things.

The Story – is the table of contents for the whole story in order of release. So you don’t have to keep going back in the archives if you prefer a table of contents. And Finally, there is the townies’ tab – which currently lists townies that show up in the story and links to their bios (the sims wiki, or if its an original character/randomized sim that becomes important in the story, the bio I will make as a post or page of that character.)

This is just something I’m doing on the side when I’m in the mood for it. My main focus is still here on word press.

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