IMVU art

At one point in my life I was absolutely in love with avatar sites. Okay… I still participate in quite a few but I’m moved on to mainly sims now. Now I only really participate in the avatar forum site A really amazing site that I can actually post on while on my phone which is a delight because many sites have an issue with mobile.

But at the point in my life where I started getting into these avatar sites where I could dress up my character in various outfits, something I couldn’t do in real life because I have never had much money, and what I got from family was absolutely not my style. I’m procrastinating because I’m absolutely embarassed about having ever been a member of IMVU. I know I wasn’t on it very long because it was pay to get anything really, and well, I would just buy real clothes if I wanted to spend my small amount of money.

At the same time I was experimenting with the avatar chat service that was IMVU, because yes, you moved your little character around and could chat with others in the room. It wasn’t like a forum. It was fascinating, and also horrible at the same time. I’m sure you can imagine the questions. “how old are you. where do you live. are you really female?” Creepo factor 9000

But I was on it long enough to draw my avatar… in all of it’s free outfit glory.

Terrifying right? Look at these shaky art skills from when I was a teenager. This was the age of “I really want hot topic chain pants, bangles, fairy wings, and let’s draw the infinity S”. I was also setting into the belief that I would grow up to be paid to be an artist. Eh… that still hasn’t happened. I thought I would improve a lot more.

How do I get known on the internet though? People at this time were already using tablets and drawing gorgeous works of art on the computer. I had a mouse… and microsoft paint.

I was determined though, i scanned the picture in and tried to erase the paper, but then panicked because I was going to erase my actual line work and that would be pointless.

What do I do?


This. er… beautiful work of art… as far as I can recall was my first ever digital artwork. WHY it had to be in the world of IMVU I don’t know. I’m so ashamed and embarrassed. But I have to accept that part of my past because I’ve moved on from that. So here’s what I’m doing. I’m going to take this original art work from way back whenever it was. 2000s? Probably. Somewhere in my teenage years? Probably. I’m going to redraw it in my current style to the best of my ability. I tend to get caught up with trying to redraw my art in the same positions and so this is me practicing adjusting things. Continuing my improvement as an artist.

(Note on the finger position. I have a hard time actually holding my fingers in the peace sign position without my hand hurting. So I just use sign language three quite often just because my thumb stays up a bit. My guess is that I took that, and just thought that the sign language ‘3’ looked cool, and ‘punk’ or something and ran with it)

So after an hour or so, that passed for you in a couple seconds, here is the new character.

I’ve redesigned her and brought her more up to what I could have done given the choice back then. Made her more my style. I do love baggy pants (but not sweat pants. I like more of a jean material.) I’ve upgraded her goggles so that her eyes are actually visible, I’ve given her a hairclip of an on fire Cherry and named her Cherry Bomb. WHich is kind of how I saw this character.

Perhaps a graffiti artist in a modern fantasy. She’s hard to catch because she’s a faerie and can fly. Wings of fire, and of course, the classic S I saw so often in the 90s/00s I like her alot, and it’s funny to think that she came from a horrible drawing I did of a terrible IMVU avatar.

I’ve actually heard that IMVU is still around and is pretty much a dating site now. I’m glad I didn’t stick around when I was on it under age. That could have been horrible.

But there you have it, my first submission journal to show off some art and to continue practicing on improving my art. It’s nothing special, it was a fairly quick art as I’m exploring this character, but I hope you enjoyed.

6 thoughts on “IMVU art

    1. I didn’t know I had a unique bold style? xD I did notice when I’ve been looking back that I do tend to have a style though that I’ve improving the quality of, but the core is still there.
      I did this one with a mouse in microsoft paint. I don’t know how I pulled that off. I can never go back now that I have a tablet WITH pen pressure.

      Liked by 2 people

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