Just a Legacy: Mediator

I’m at an interesting point in the legacy. Transitioning between the two generations, juggling real life, and gaming, and trying to move forward with so many things. I’m struggling to get through the days right now, I need hugs and a vacation, and a good cry. I’m overwhelmed, and feel like much of my day is zoned out as I do whatever is in front of me; trying to be as productive as I possibly can.

It does mean that I’m currently in a more disassociative state and having a hard time with memory.

My parents are coming for a visit in a week, and I feel like I’m not ready. I want to have things cleaner by the time they get here, but I also can’t seem to get the effort and drive to do so. It all feels so overwhelming right now.

The same is happening with the sims. There’s so much I want to do, but I’m just feeling overwhelmed. I’m trying to forgive myself and not be perfect to every sim. Accept that I can’t achieve everything. Just do whatever is in front of me. It’s okay.

It doesn’t feel okay. But I tried. I played a bit, tried to do some chores. Tried to write things down. Tried to get my head sorted. I feel so scatterbrained and not myself right now.

I think that’s partially why I hooked on Willow for a bit of my play session. Her birthday is about to happen as well, and I wanted to try to get those last couple of things before she aged up. Not that I can remember what they are right now. In fact, I don’t remember everything about the reasons I took all the screenshots I took during my play session. I think much of it was the Justice Family just getting along with all of the deaths. Friends. Family.

Ghosts returning to keep the family company.

It’s been a strange turning point.

The girls shared Abbie and Brytani’s bed that night when they finally went to bed.

For once, someone ended up in the frog room looking at the meager frog collection. I’m sure it will grow over time. But it’s not very big yet.

Ah yes. One of the things Willow was trying to do was fill the last sliver of her Conflict Resolution to earn the trait. The thing she wanted to do was help Lilith out. Lilith watched Abbie not make full amends with Tina. She watched her husband die. She was terrified of dying herself. What regrets was she leaving behind?

Willow was encouraging her to talk to those that she had fought with. Even if they don’t forgive her, she’ll have tried.

Lilith agreed. It was a good idea.

She tried to apologize to Lia Hauata first.

Lia who was the biggest enemy was furious and rejected the apology.

Angry and hurt that her apology hadn’t been accepted. Lilith went inside. A smile crossed her face. There was a quirk of Abbie’s she remembered. Willow had said she might not have her apology accepted, but at least she had tried.

At least she had tried. Also, she got a free couch out of it, just like many of the lamps, and birdbaths all over the Justice Family Lot that Abbie had stolen in times of stress.

Willow took a final teenage selfie. Her birthday had been so close.

“Birthday candles, help me out. Who am I? What do I want with my life?”

“My skills and interests are all over the place. I can’t seem to focus on one thing.”

“All I’ve done is behave well and try to be perfect. But… who am I?”

“I even graduated with Honors. I don’t know anything about what comes next though. I haven’t thought about anything after high school. What do I do? What do I want? Who am I?”

Who is Willow? She could be a dancer. She could be a cook. Right now, I’m not sure.

4 thoughts on “Just a Legacy: Mediator

  1. Willow looks so much like Magdalena, my gen 5 heir. I’m also feeling like the game is stressful. I’m not sure about the update and new EP. They have things I like, but so many glitches and challenges that the game isn’t very relaxing. I really hope for you that your parents’ visit might be a source of support, rather than stress. My visits from my parents were always super stressful, so I know what that’s like! Expectations I can’t meet! Anyway, wishing you support and a helping hand.

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    1. Visits with my dad aren’t so bad. But my mom and I clash, she can’t seem to get on my wave length and respect who I am, only sees who she wants me to be. It’s always difficult and I do my best.

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